Sunday, February 9, 2014

Comments(11th Post)

Hello again Today. I recently recieved a beautiful poem "Valentine Poem: Roses are red, tomatoes are too. If I ever get one, I'll throw it at you." That was the nicest and only poem I have ever received. Thank you so much. I highly appreciate it. For real. I am going to use that on someone someday. It'll be hilarious. Hey! I have an Idea! Let's have a tomato fight!


  1. Here's another Poem:
    Llama fruitcake is so sweet!
    It tastes like bugs and chicken feet.

  2. Well Here's An equation: If roses are red and violets are blue, then by the commutative property the color blue is actually violet. and what 2 colors make violet? red and blue. which means you need red to make violet and since violet is actually blue that means you need red to make blue, but what makes red? THE PAST TENSE OF READ, because the word you read more than any other word so far equation? BLUE. You read blue creating violet. and because violets are blue it proves that I not only did I just BLOW your mind but everything you read(past tense) Actually Just BLUE your mind!

  3. How about this one: Life without you is like a cupcake without sprinkles: It's survivable, but just no fun!
